
Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Beachbody Results - 2nd Month

So this is my 2nd month working as a Beachbody Coach and working with BOD. (Beachbody on Demand) I love it! Now, I am human and I break down and have a cheeseburger or a cheesecake break with my bestie, Whiskey is still my spirit animal but I am still seeing results. Not to mention dealing with a baby with reflux which in itself is the most exhausting workout I have ever been through.

Here are my results from my first 21DayFix. I took the black short picture on the day I started and I took this picture at the end.

You can tell a huge different in my back and sides but you can tell I have lost the bloating and puffiness from eating better. (My tattoo is actually going back to its original spot hahaha)

I have only lost 5lbs but I have gained back my muscle mass. (Muscle will always weight more than fat!) Now my Mother on the other hand is still down 20+ pounds and I will be working on her eating this week so I am gonna get some more results out of her if possible.
This is only the beginning and I am not stopping any time soon! I am changing my life style not just dieting and I am putting in the work not just drinking the shake.

If you would like to purchase your first Challenge pack click here:

Challenge Pack

This Challenge pack is still on special for the month of September and includes 1 year subscription to BOD (Beachbody on Demand), your 21dayfix meal plan, 21dayfix portion containers, and your first 30 day supply of Shakeology. Plus you would get me as your Coach! A real person how has struggles and cheat meals but I want to get better and put in the work so it is a learning experience for every one!

For more information on Shakelogy please check out my blog post on it!
Shakeology- The next best this to dessert. 

If you have any questions regarding Coaching or you want more info on Beachbody and what its about please comment below and let me know.

If you are a researcher like me check these out too.

How do I afford Shakeology?
What I Invested in My Beachbody Business. 


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