
Monday, September 11, 2017

You Catch More Flies

My Grandmother used to tell me all the time "you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar." I never really cared to take it to heart until the last few years. Between working in Property Management & my current situation I just don't understand the need to be overly hateful to someone for no reason. Being passive aggressive and asinine will not get someone to do what you want no more than punching them square in the nose.

So since I have been steaming over certain situations for a few days I figured I would give some pointers on how to deal with such people.

1. Manners cost nothing but mean everything. You would be shocked at how far a simple please & thank you will take you in this world. Now some people might not be as sensitive about them as I might be but then again I am southern. There was this thing in my childhood called a switch. If you know what this is then chances are you were taught manners as well.

2. Don't look at me in that tone of voice. So everyone has heard of making a good first impression but there is also such a thing when it comes to your tone of voice that you use with others. If your first three words come out with a condescending tone my reply will also be based off of that tone. That is no way to start a conversation.

3. Walking away. Sometimes drama filled people just need that attention and they will get it in anyway possible. Even if it is negative attention. The best thing you can do is just walk away & ignore it. Kind of like the T-rex in Jurassic Park if you don't move it can't see you. Well, if you don't give them the attention they want they will move on to someone else who will. Do not stoop to their level.

4.Take responsibility for your actions. This is the lesson I am trying to get through my Daughter's head lately. Do not play the victim. If you messed up just admit it. 9 times out of 10 whatever happened was a mistake and can easily be fixed but just like I explain to her when she throws her hands up and says " I didn't do it." Um, Eva you are the only person in the room and I don't think Casper the friendly ghost lives with us. Blaming others for your problems will get you no where.

5. Keep calm & follow the golden rule. Treat others the way you expect to be treated. When I go into a business I treat people with respect because I want them to treat me with respect.

6. You have to give a little to get a little. Friendship and family are not one way dirt roads in Alabama. It is not the responsibility of someone else to keep you updated with current events. That is not a job description. When I want to know how my brother is I call him or when I want to know how big my best friends twins have gotten I text her. I don't burst into spontaneous flames or start crying blood it does not physically harm me in any way. Life is not a book report and you are not my teacher and if you want a life time play by play join me on twitter!

So for now I will keep the little bird with my Grandmother's voice on my shoulder and try my best. If you have any advice on dealing with toxic people I would love to hear it! Please comment below and follow me for more updates!


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