Friday, September 7, 2018

A New Version of Hell Week!

Let me begin with saying life does not always kick my butt but this week I am throwing in the towel!

We say with a heavy heart that Murphy did not work out with the Russell family. We found out he has aggression issues the hard way and Justin now has a nice hole in his hand. Not to mention I am pretty sure the whole neighborhood heard what happened. I grew up with a dog that literally bit everyone in the family, some twice, and did manage to help me have a new set of teeth. I just couldn't go through that again and Justin being the stronger one of us knew I couldn't send him back and made the decision for me. We will remain a one dog household and just spoil the crap out of Captain!

Fast forward to Tuesday! Eva Diva started second grade and absolutely loves it!

 Grayson on the other hand not so much. We got a call around 9:30 saying he was running a fever and looked like he might be cutting a new tooth in the back. So I left work to go pick him up and took him to medical.

They agreed it was a fever due to teething and sent us home. He has been up every night screaming in pain with no relief. Wednesday night his fever went up to 102 and Justin took him straight to the ER. Again, they couldn't tell us anything for sure, that it might be hand, foot, mouth or it could be another virus. However, they do not give antibiotics and we just have to keep his fever down and let it runs its course.

We are now on day 4 of no sleep, 102+ fevers, and a screaming baby. (Gray doesn't have an inside voice btw!) I see another Doctors visit in our near future!

The good side is Eva just finished up her first week and while she is super excited for the weekend she has had a great week! It is killing her not being able to play with brother though.

Has anyone else ever had hand, foot, and mouth? I would love any tips to help him feel better!


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