
Friday, August 25, 2017

Top Five Pros & Cons of A Long Distance Relationship

There are so many Pros & Cons but these are my top 5 of each!


  1. You cherish the time you have. It doesn't matter if it is a two minute phone call while they are getting ready in the morning or a 30 day leave. You have their full attention and they have yours. Not like in a normal relationship that you feel like you might be ignored or to clingy. This makes for the perfect balance. 
  2. You actually have real conversations. Have you ever had a conversation with someone that consisted of 1 or 2 words replies and you didn't really want to talk to them, you were just being polite? When conversation is all you have the "tell me about your day" conversations can last hours! You learn to express feelings and worries better because communicating through text and messages can be tricky. You actually have to get to know your significant other in order to understand the tones of different conversations. Example: I can tell when my Husband has had a rough day or feeling down in the dumps just by the words he uses in his messages without him telling me. Cause lets face it we all hate being asked what is wrong! 
  3. The butterflies. Every time you get to see them its like the first date all over again! Its the best feeling in the world and that hug or kiss is just like your first all over again. (Except maybe a little less awkward.  
  4. Arguing/Bickering. You learn to not sweat the small stuff. So what if he is a few hours late calling then what he told you he would, if he goes somewhere that doesn't have service that day and cant talk at all, or buys something completely pointless. Are you really going to waste 5 out of your twenty minutes bickering about something extremely insignificant?  You pick and chose your battles along with learning how to communicate better and realizing that your tone and how you say things can get misinterpreted and a very small problem can turn into a great big one. 
  5. Knowing one day the distance will end. In the beginning it is scary because it could be months or years before the distance is no longer there but before you know it you will be able to see them & kiss them every day! I never would have known these few years would have flown by like they did with my Husband being overseas. In the beginning I remember thinking "how in the hell is this going to work" A few years, a wedding, and a baby later we are a few months from our move date & him being back in the states so I would say the excitement is pretty high and we are almost there! 


  1. Loneliness. Duh! Obviously this is the worst thing. Even in a crowd full of people with a baby giving you kisses, the feeling of loneliness creeps in on you. It is hard to deal with but you do find ways to work with it. I personally take a crap ton of pictures! That way when ever I start to feel down I can start flipping through pictures and it cheers me up. Talk about it a simple "I really miss you text" never hurt anyone and I am pretty sure that they would enjoy hearing it. 
  2. Mind games. These are the worst! You worry if they are okay or if something has happened when they miss a phone call or haven't replied in a long time. You over think for no reason! You mistake their tired voice for a mad voice and start wondering what you did wrong. You second guess your self and your relationship because it isn't easy. It does get better and you work through. Talking is the best solution to any worries or problem in any relationship. 
  3. Arguing/ Bickering. When you do slip up and lose your temper or have a jealous moment it isn't as easy as a random hug. You can't hug them or kiss them showing you are sorry, you actually have to use words. Have you ever gotten the silent treatment from someone on the other side of the world? Multiply the normal one x10! Then you realize that you have spent your only phone call arguing and now you wont be able to talk to them until tomorrow. Especially with social media being what it is trust is a main ingredient to a long distance relationship. You can't flip you lid and be crazy jealous when a girl likes his picture or comments on his wall. THIS IS CRAZY AND IT WILL NOT WORK! 
  4. Jealousy. Not just your normal "he looked at a girl" jealous. The couple holding hands walking down the street, the couple slow dancing together at the bar, or the couple coming in to look for their new apartment together. You long for all the things that you can't have. You feel the green burn of jealously when he goes out with his friends, not because he is going out but because you would do anything to be going out with him.You just have to remember that this is the price you pay to wait on the one you love! It is 100% worth every minute. 
  5. Having to say goodbye. Just imagine the heart break feeling of a breakup, you feel this every time you have to leave. I am by know means a crier but every time I have to drop mine off at the airport I lose it. Normally I can hold off until he is out of eyesight but you literally feel like you heart just left your body and got on a plane. 

These are my pros and cons but I would love to hear others! Please leave a comment below or send me an email! 


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