
Thursday, August 24, 2017

Thoughts of A New Military Wife Part 1


Upfront: I was so oblivious to anything Military prior to meeting my Husband that I had no idea that I had so many military members in my own family! I knew nothing about boot camp, deployments, duty stations, or any of the acronyms my Husband uses on a daily basis.

I started asking questions and learning the different things he would say and what they meant. Pinterest & Google were by best friend when we first started dating because I was to embarrassed to ask what the hell he was saying! Now I will just give him a look and he knows that whatever he just said made absolutely no sense to me and rephrase it in civilian.

We got engaged on my trip to Italy to see him (SO NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD EVER GO TO ITALY BTW) and after we found out that I was pregnant with my son that gorgeous June wedding turned into a small February wedding in Gatlinburg. Which I love by the way and highly recommend! (Angels View Wedding Chapel)

I have always been in charge of everything for me and my Daughter. Insurance, housing, food, bills you name it I handled it. I was Miss Bossy Mom! Once we were married I had to turn over the reigns and that took some getting used to. I now had a sponsor and I was a spouse/dependent. I had to memorize his birth date & social security number. It completely tripped me out. The first time we went on base together was actually the first time I ever stood beside him in uniform with the exception of his dress blues. We quickly figured out I am intimidated by authority, which my entire family thought was hilarious because I am the uncontrollable mouthy one that won't keep her mouth shut to save her life. Then I walk into the DEERS office and everyone is in uniform. Needless to say it was a very quite trip. I have gotten better but I still get quiet when ever he is uniform I think it is some sort of coping mechanism. There were so many rules!

  • Always wear your seat belt on base. (Granted now I am in the habit and wear it all the time.)
  • Walk on the left side of him. (Just keeping up with him in general is hard because he walks like he is on a mission.) 
  • No kissing or holding hands. 
  • Never ever lose your ID. 
Once I was all set up back to Italy he went and I didn't get to see him again until two days before I was induced with our son. I got to keep him for 30 days and then he went back to Italy. Now that we know we are headed to Virginia Beach I am extremely excited and completely terrified. I have never left Alabama/Tennessee and all of my family and friends are here. Then comes all the questions.

Are we going to live on base or off base? 
Am I going to be able to find as good of a job there as I have here in TN? 
How am I going to make new friends? 
What other Navy wife rules do I not know about? 
How many times am I going to embarrass myself in front of his coworkers by not knowing what in the hell they are talking about?
How can I learn to not have resting bitch face and look friendly? 

Just a little tidbit of information....this will also be the first time we live together! So you can understand why I am nervous. We will be moving a probably 6 month old, almost 7 year old, and the dog so its going to be a little scary but the good news is that hopefully I will have him here to help. I try not to concentrate on the worries and fears and concentrate more on learning what it takes to rock out as a Military wife and try my best to be supportive without embarrassing him to much. 

I have found a few blogs that I have found super comforting! So please go check them out! 

I will keep everything updated and try to keep calm about all the change ahead of me. I dont know what I am in for or what it is going to be like but I have waited almost three years to be able to see my Husband every day and I will not let anything ruin that. I would love to hear about any experiences or advice! Picture for attention!


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