
Friday, August 25, 2017

What I Invested In My Beachbody Business

I read an article today that sparked my interest. (That's actually pretty rare btw!) The article covered multi level marketing businesses (MLM)and their fail rate & expenses. So I thought I would share why I chose Beachbody.

I was 6'0 and 114 pounds! You could see every bone in my body. 
My legs were the size of my arms and I had zero muscle mass! I actually thought I was fat! 
100 lbs heavier at 7 months pregnant with my daughter. 
Currently a size 12 and 191 pounds after baby #2!

I knew that I wanted to get in shape after I had my son & I realized that there was absolute zero way for me to leave two kids to be able to go to the gym for an hour or more a day. I work 40+ hours a week in Property Management & by the time I come home change clothes, kiss the baby, ask my daughter how school was, cook dinner, eat, get the kids in the tub, clean up from dinner, and get both babies asleep it is freaking 9pm! At that point I am exhausted!

Did I mention the reason I can't work out at lunch is because I have to go pick up my Daughter from school that is 2 hours round trip? So no lunch break for this Mom!

I started stalking and researching different Beachbody Coaches & their stories. I literally would stay up just to read everything on their pages and watch their Youtube videos.  I looked at all different kinds everything from the top ten in the company to the moms who signed up a week ago.

No one reached out to me, no one sent me 100 messages. I stalked them & I sent them messages, not because I wanted to gain this astronomical amount of new income to be a SAHM. I love my career! I asked questions they answered. I even watched not one not two but three sneak peek into coaching groups over the course of 9 months.

When I decided this was something I wanted to try I spent $176 dollars and some change! (Keep in mind between my Husband's gym obsession and his supplements I saved money lol!) I received a year of Beachbody of Demand (Netflix for workouts), my 30 day supply of Shakeology, a eating healthy guide, food containers to teach me portion control and a Beachbody shaker. When I bought this Challenge pack that waived my coaching sign up fee ($35) and then I had to pay $15 a month for Beachbody to create and maintain my website! So my total investment to become a Beachbody Coach was $176! THAT"S IT!

Everything I purchased was what I needed to start my fitness journey. I did not have to buy a product or keep a inventory. All I was asked to do was become a product of the product. Drink my shakeology (which I love) and complete the 25-30 minute workout a day with one of their many programs!

Now for the best part!

I have absolutely fallen in love with the community! Women supporting women! It isn't a competition or a sale thriving type thing. It is literally other Moms with kids doing the exact same thing I am! Talking about breast feeding, children teething, how they are covered in baby puke and encouraging each other to just complete that 30 minute workout! There have been times that 30 minute work out has taken me over an hour because baby boy woke up or the diva couldn't find that perfect barbie shoe and it required me to hit pause.

Some of us really aren't in it just for the money. If I can help someone just like me get out of the postpartum depression slump or someone who has moved away from friends and family and just needs that support I have earned back every penny of what I spent to sign up! 

So here is the article that sparked this conversation in my mind. I encourage everyone to read it because some of it has fantastic points! 

This is my Beachbody Website. Click Here! If anyone has any questions please comment or email me! I would love to just know someone is reading this besides my mother hahaha!


  1. This is very cool. I recently joined beachbody too, because I just don't have time to get to the gym. So far so good. I hope you like coaching!
