So funny story...I have a distant cousin of my Moms that is retired military and she messaged my Mom this week asking when we were moving and if we knew where we were headed yet. She proceeded to tell her how she was worried about me and how I would adapt to Military life. Can't really say that she shouldn't be worried because I have no idea how that is going to go. The conversation continued to how I needed to find a group of wife friends and be more friendly and go to groups or else they would rip me apart. Wait What?!
I am very much a introvert and would like nothing more than to sit at home with a glass of wine and just relax. So when the thought of having to go out and make new friends and try to find my new "group" was brought to my attention I practically cried. I have had the same group for years and not very many people come and go from that group.
So I decided I would join the Facebook world of Mom Groups. I just kept telling myself they can't be that bad and I might learn a few things!
I quickly figured out that there are many many many different types of these groups. Some are absolutely amazing and some are completely terrifying. Within minutes of being added to one I was sent a "background questionnaire" that consisted of questions like how long I have been married, have me or my husband ever had an affair, and are my children being raised in a church setting?! Oh yes, I quickly removed myself from that group! That leave group button could not have gotten clicked fast enough!
For the most part though these groups are filled with amazing working women or stay at home moms who are just looking for a new way to make friends or support their small business. I can relate as I barely have time to take a bath let alone go make new friends and schedule play dates. So these groups are an amazing way to make new friends and get to know one another. Take the good with the bad.
There are a TON of military spouse support groups and I have learned more from these strong women than I have from my Husband in over two years! I will get the hang of this wife thing in no time!
Warning: Just like anything else on the internet these days you have to be very careful of the reactions of others in these groups. Free speech in these groups really isn't free and cyber bullying is just as bad on adults as is it kids. If you find your self in a group like this, my advice would just be to leave the group and start your search over for that friendly, encouraging, and fun mom group! You don't need that kind of negativity in your life!
Sending good weekday vibes,

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