I just hit the ten week mark and per the usual the morning sickness is kicking my butt, I have absolutely no energy, and I feel like all my skin issues are getting worse because I am not able to eat as well. I have learned your diet literally controls every single thing in your body and for any one who has ever had a cyst on their tail bone, you understand my pain!
After my last Doctors appointment I noticed I dropped even more weight. Now before anyone freaks out, I lost 18 pounds with my son before I started going back up. (Morning Sickness is all day sickness for me) So it brings questions to mind...…..
Will working out help with energy levels?
How would I feel if I started my Shakeology every morning?
Instead of ice cream I could have my shake?
Justin could do it with me.... no wait that would make him healthier and lets face it I don't want to be nine months pregnant and my husband be in the best shape of his life.
What if???
This is the face of a pregnant girl freak out!
The best part about this crazy argument I am having with my self is I know for a fact that Shakeology is a super foods shake & not a weight loss shake. I know that my body needs those extra vitamins because I am throwing up everything that goes down. I remember how great I felt before this move & me falling off the bandwagon and diving my feelings into a bag of honey buns and rum! (Yes that happened)
So out of all the questions & typing this blog I feel slightly ridiculous and I feel like I am already behind! This Beachbody Coach is getting this crazy life back on track because hell you guys I am about to have to keep up with not one, not two, but three Russell children! I need to be prepared for a triathlon at this point!
Does anyone want to join me? I will gladly take any Mommy Life friends who just want to feel better & live better!
My Shakeology Page
My Shakeology Page