
Thursday, August 2, 2018

Italian Chicken Bake - Easy Dinner!

So my darling Husband has brought to my attention that I cook the same recipes over and over. Which I have to admit is completely true! I am a creature of habit so once I find something I like I will eat it over and over and over. Well, I guess my Husband isn't so he asked to switch it up. Now I won't really say this one is healthy because it does use a 1/2 stick of butter but its a vegetable, a starch, and a protein so for my picky family its pretty dang healthy!

It is a one pan, 5 ingredient, throw together recipe that was loved by all!

1. 3-4 Potatoes
2. 2 Handfuls of green beans
3. Italian seasoning packet
4. 1/2 Stick of butter
5. 2-3 Chicken breasts

Start out preheating the oven to 350.

Peel 3-4 potatoes, we used just normal ones (russet not sure why that's normal to me) but I am sure red, yellow, or brown would all work. Cut them up into quarters & line along one side of the pan.

We used fresh green beans and I am gonna throw this country bumpkin measurement at ya and say we purchased two handfuls. Rinsed them under cold water and cut the tips off. We probably didn't have to but it just seemed right to me. Place these on the other side of the pan.

We only had two adults eating, one very picky little girl, and a baby that eats everything so I had two HUGE oversized chicken breasts that I cut in half and placed them in the center.

I used a little over a 1/2 a stick of butter. Cut it into little pieces and spread evenly over everything. You can use more or less based on how you like it. I will say that next time I will use a little less.

Now take the Italian seasoning and shake over everything evenly.

Now wrap in Reynolds wrap and place in the oven for 1 hour. ( I wasn't quick enough to catch my timer haha) I would say it maybe took me 10-15 minutes of prep work and most of it was just peeling potatoes and chasing a one year old crazy baby around. The final product was amazing! Both kids loved the potatoes and the Husband got the clean plate award for the night! 

If you try this recipe please let me know how it goes and if it was a family favorite for yours like it was mine! 


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