
Friday, August 10, 2018

2nd Generation Family Favorite - Rotel Chicken

There weren't many meals growing up that my Brother & I could agree on. I of course was a picky eater and he was not. Now dealing with my own family I understand my Mother's pain. Grayson will eat anything and everything you put in front of him...Eva not so much!

This recipe is super easy, doesn't take a great deal of time, and is also good as left overs!

The quantities I use can always be adjusted to preference I tend to like mine to be a little bit more creamy and my Mother likes to use more chicken.


1-3 chicken breasts
1-2 cans of Rotel Tomatoes (Mild or spicy)
1 Block of Velveeta
1 can of cream of chicken soup (or two if you like it creamy)
1 bag of egg noodles

This is also fantastic for a family meal on a budget!

First you want to boil your chicken breasts, I normally boil mine 30 mins+ because I am super weird about undercooked chicken. Then once it is done & cooled off just shred it up and lay to the side.

Use the same water that you boiled the chicken in and add more to it so you can cook your eggs noodles.

Egg noodles are super easy to over cook and you don't want them to be all mushy so once the water is boiling dumb in the whole bag and boil for around 10 minutes.

Once your noodles are cooked, drain and I always spritz them with cold water so they do not stick together.

I normally use a half block of Velveeta for this recipe but again personal preference and how much you are making will change this. Cut it up into very small chunks so it will melt easier. (FYI the individual mini blocks are absolutely amazing!)

Put the noodles back in the pot on Medium heat. Pour in your cream of chicken soup, the entire can or cans of Rotel tomatoes, and your Velveeta chunks. Get to stirring!!! You will stir and stir until its all mixed up and the cheese is starting to melt then dumb in your shredded chicken.

Make sure everything is melted and mixed together and there ya go! Easy one pot meal that the whole family will love! We have to cut Grayson off after his second helping!

Let me know if your family likes this dish as much as mine does! 


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