
Monday, June 25, 2018

The Third Baby Meltdown

For almost 5 years all I could imagine having was just Eva. She is my all, my everything, my little Eva Diva! Then I met Justin, (my amazing superhero husband) and everything changed we found out that we were having Baby Russ. (a.k.a Grayson, chunk, the grouch, grumpy baby) I started to worry how in the world can I split my love between the two of them? Would she feel left out? Would she like her brother? Would they get along? 

Needless to say she is the best big sister ever and has a little brother who absolutely adores everything that she does! He will literally just watch her for hours and wants to eat and do everything that she does. I am super lucky & even though they can be completely exhausting and I make my Husband use his Dad voice to create some form of order they are some very well behaved kids. Eva was always teachers pet and so far Grayson pretty much rules his daycare classroom. I have two "Leaders" for kids please pray for me! 

Now I am stuck between a rock and a hard place because WTH am I going to do with 3?! Yes, we found out we are pregnant with number three and while Eva is beyond excited I don't imagine Grayson will like sharing his baby time or his sister very well. (And I thought I was worried before!) There are so many things that go through your mind with a third child! 

Who is going to have to share a bedroom eventually? 
Where am I going to put two car seats? 
How am I going to go to three different sporting events?
How are we going to manage water & beach side with being outnumbered? 
What kind of personality is this one going to have?! 

I find myself laying in bed every night trying to "figure things out" and I get no where but more stressed then feel bad because in my mind I should feel super excited and happy. 

How did everyone else handle their 3rd baby? I would love to hear some feed back! 

But my two are really cute though!


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