
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Boo at The Zoo - Nashville

Since we are trying to complete my Nashville experience with the time I still have left here we decided to take the kids the Boo at The Zoo. My Mother has been talking about this for a full year! She researched and heard all the reviews and was so excited. We loaded everyone up last Saturday and decided to go have fun but it was a lot different than we imagined. 

The tickets were $17 per person and only children 2 and under got in free. We expected it to be heavily decorated and it be like a trunk or treat set up around the zoo. 

It was extremely crowed so pushing a stroller around was a little difficult but that is to be expected since it is Nashville. (There is literally nothing that isn't crowded here!) Our biggest disappointment was the candy stations, we expected them to be all over the zoo at every stop and all they had was one section with less than ten candy stations set up around it. Since that was the only place that had candy it was extremely packed. 

They did have a picture area set up with all types of different princesses and super heroes so that was nice but looking back it wasn't worth paying $17 bucks for. 

Overall it wasn't thing we have ever went to but it was definitely a bust for us. We can mark that off our Nashville bucket list. If you have the money and want the experience I would say go but I am sure there are a ton of better things for kids that will be a lot less expensive. 

Here are some of our pictures. 


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