
Thursday, September 7, 2017

The Gruesome Twosome When Daddy is Away!

When I was pregnant with my Son I knew my Husband was going to have to go back over seas and of course that freaked me out a little bit but I held it together pretty well. After all I basically had my Daughter by myself and she is still alive. Even when it came time for him to leave I held it together for a few days. We were a team, we actually played the tap out game with the baby when he was born. Since my diagnosis of PPD it has been a slippery slope but it has all been internal and hasn't effected the kiddos! 

Yesterday and last night was the first time the toll of having two really hit me. I can handle the morning commute with the 6 year old and the nightly feedings with the baby but yesterday just cracked me up! It made me miss my Husband like crazy. 

So I woke up in a fantastic mood because the 2 month old slept the ENTIRE night! Like start to alarm clock, not one peep! Got the 6 year old up and the complaining started, I am sleepy, I don't want to go to school, and I don't feel good. Got her breakfast made and was feeding the baby his and in the distance I heard her start coughing and then the dreading sound of gagging. Before I could even put the baby down she was running in to the room throwing up. 

I could have just sat down in the floor right there and cried. 

After getting her cleaned up and all the puke cleaned up I was able to get her some meds and back in bed. Thank goodness for my Mom because I don't know what I would do without her help! I now completely understand why most military wives don't work. The world is not made for single working moms! Hell I can't even figure out how to go to my Daughter's school events because apparently teachers don't realize that some parents might work until six o'clock every night and their 5pm event is almost impossible to get to and then I become the bad guy when I explain that we can't go! Off to work I go, the 6th of the month is the most important day of the month in my job so calling out was not an option. 

9 hours later I finally get to come home, my Mom is exhausted so I let her off the hook. Then it hits you like a ton of bricks all the things you have to do before bed. Again, I felt the over whelming urge to go crawl in the corner with my Husband's picture and cry. I put my big girl pants on and here is how the night went. 

  Between the two of them I was exhausted but as I look at my gruesome twosome all snuggled up and sleeping I wouldn't change a thing except to have my partner in crime back! 

There are so many nights I feel pulled in to many directions. Did i give my Daughter enough one on one time or did I not have enough time to let Gray have some tummy time? I feel like she spent all night on the Ipad and I listened to Grayson cry for about two hours. Worst of all when I am just so exhausted all I can come up with for dinner is pancakes. 

Shout out to all the working moms who kick butt and still manage to get everything done at the end of the day! I really did think I would be fine that I would have this completely under control. Truth is I do but I don't. They don't know any different but parenting guilt is a real thing and exhaustion is something serious. 

For any other Moms out there working to survive when the Daddy person is away I am right there with you! With any luck you have a glass of wine with your name on it just like I do! 

I would love to hear how other Mom's survive on a daily basis! 


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