
Monday, September 18, 2017

Attitude Is Everything - 5 Things That Can Help Long Distance Relationships

The past few weeks have been rough! Like super, oh my god what is happening to us rough! There has been some pretty harsh bickering and some disagreements. We are working through them slowly but I wanted to get out there some tips that I have learned really work for long distance disagreements.

1. Misreading Messages. If you have been stewing all day on what you want to say or expecting a reply to a question from your SO chances are that you might work yourself up to mis-read the message. Take a breathe and pretend that they are face to face with you and think of them saying it to you. My Hubby has a kind of dry, very stern way of talking sometimes so I always over read and think he is being a jerk but in reality that is how he normally says everything and I might be a tad bit sensitive.

2. Attitude. Sometimes my attitude gets the best of me and I can be short or condescending. I have to remind myself that if these are the only messages I am going to get to send to him all day, do I really want to take out my day on him? No the answer is no, so I am working on realizing that he has no idea what I have been through that day but just wants to talk to the awesome amazing wife he knows he has! Hahaha (oh yea I am full of it today!) Seriously though, same thing goes for him its okay to know that they are in a bad mood and end the conversation early sometimes it is for the best.

3. Communication is key! If something is bothering you or you are upset. Get it out! It will only get worse if you hold it in. There have been a few times where I have gotten upset or mad and held it in for days or weeks only to completely blow up and him literally laugh in my face because if I would have just told him we could have fixed it immediately.

4. It is okay to have some down time. I have two kids and a dog that I have to take care of so there are sometimes not many that I know I have to put down my phone to be able to get everything done. He understands this and its not the end of the world! Just means I have even more things I can tell him about tomorrow.

5. Sometimes all it takes is a Hello! Just hearing his voice sometimes fixes everything and sometimes I just need a minute. You have no idea a simple one minute phone call can mean to some people. I have walked out of movies, diners, and family outings to just hear his voice for one minute to tell me good night! That minute is completely worth it!

I am still learning and working on what works for our long distance relationship. We are pushing two and a half years and I might have gotten to spend three months with him. Not everyone is the same but these are just some of my tips.

I would love to hear about what works for others! Comment below or send me a message.


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