
Monday, August 21, 2017

My Postpartum Journey

When it comes to pregnancy & having a baby there are no two scenarios alike. My experience with my daughter vs. my son are as different as night & day. When we found out I was pregnant of course there was a minor freak out and a how did this happen moment but after that is was a lot of joy and excitement.

This is how I told my Husband, his reaction was priceless. A 7 hour time difference and this is what he woke up to.

My pregnancy was super easy, like almost way to easy. I had a few weeks of morning sickness but nothing a little nausea medicine couldn't handle. I passed every test I had to take and all of his ultrasounds looked good. (Granted he literally covered his face the entire time!) I actually lost a little bit of weight because I was eating healthier and trying to walk to stay in shape and keep me from having the complications that I had with my daughter. I never missed a day of work and continued to work full time up until the day I was induced. We were induced due to my water looking low three days after my husband came home from over seas. I was so proud of myself for making it to 38.5 weeks with no problems and holding him in until my husband came home. My entire pregnancy I was calm, cool, and collective. I sent him videos of the belly moving & pretty much snapchatted every doctors appointment. There were no emotional meltdowns or crazy spells, I actually really enjoyed my pregnancy. (It would have been better is the hubby was there but it wasn't an option so I didn't dwell.) This is me at 33 weeks.

Grayson's delivery was super easy, quick and it was a experience I will cherish for forever. Everything in the hospital was amazing, I loved all of my nurses and the staff. The room was huge and Grayson breastfed and handled all of his tests and procedures like a champ! We were in pure bliss, surrounded by family and our six year old was beyond excited to finally meet her little brother. I had zero worries and this was my second baby, so what could possibly go wrong? I swear we have to sign off on like six different postpartum questionnaires and we literally laughed at all of them like "NOPE NOT US HAHAHA!" I felt completely normal all i could think about was getting to spend the next thirty days with my amazing husband and new son. I did not have postpartum with my Daughter so I had no idea what was coming for me!

The down hill started when the day after we came home Grayson just decided that he didn't want to breastfeed anymore. Nothing happened, my milk was already starting to come in, and I had bought every breast feeding essential known to man kind! I had been looking forward to this for nine months! I had prepared everything, read every article, and explained to Hubby how excited I was that I would be able to spend this time with him. (Due to my circumstances after my daughter I immediately returned to work and at that time pumps were not covered by insurance and I just couldn't afford one so I didn't even try but the first couple of days then realized it was going to be impossible.) Fast forward 24 hours, Grayson wasn't latching and screaming bloody murder. The milk I was pumping just wasn't enough for him. I knew he was hungry and I didn't know what was wrong. We called the lactation consultant and followed every piece of advice they had and nothing worked. I finally broke down in tears and we went to get formula.

It was a long two weeks following that breakdown. I was determined to pump as much as I could and keep working with him but the more I tried the more he turned away. There wasn't a feeding that went by that I didn't sneak off to the closet or the bathroom and just ball my eyes out but I had a healthy happy baby boy who was having no problem putting on weight or sleeping at night and looked just like his daddy so I kept trying to cheer myself up and gave up the breastfeeding fight.

I started losing all control of these crying spells. Every time I would take a shower, kiss my husband (knowing he would be going back overseas in just a few weeks), and stay up late with the baby because his sleep schedule wasn't quite there yet the tears would just roll and I couldn't explain why. I am not a crier and this was a multiple time a day occurrence. It freaked me out but I figured I would be able to work through it. What was wrong with me? Was I going completely crazy? This can't be normal! Needless to say it was a quick call to the Dr. explaining what was going on and I had a prescription called in for me instantly.

I wouldn't wish this on anyone. I have every reason in the world to be happy but it is a fight every day just to push those complete melt downs aside. My son is now two months old and I am just now starting to get back to normal. Working out has helped, talking with friends, talking with my Husband, and most importantly I think admitting that I actually had postpartum depression was a real eye opener .

I would love to hear about others peoples postpartum experiences and how they got through them. :) Friends are the biggest blessings and when you find some that can keep you from going down a dark tunnel alone you need to be thankful.


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