
Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Appricate When You Have A Good Doctor!

Now I am not one to be scared easily but OBGYN in Virginia have me a bit nervous.

So to start they do not assign you to a single Doctor here. They have very large practices with 5-10 Doctors and you rotate around to each one so that you see all of them at least once so you don't have a stranger delivering your baby.....So you meet someone once and they aren't a stranger? Please don't tell my Daughter that!

When asked who your Doctor is, you have no idea what to say. Well I know the practice and their number but that's all I can tell you.

At 24 weeks the only person I have had an actual conversation with is the Ultrasound tech who took her time and explained everything she was doing and looking at in detail. Today for example, I arrived for my 8:30am appointment at 8:15 like they tell you to be so you an get through check in and be waiting to be taken back by your appointment time. At 9:50 I was finally seen by the Doctor. Literally two hours of sitting and waiting for the Doctor to come in say "Lets see your stomach" take a glance....No measuring or feeling just a glance. "Okay looks good, congrats on the little girl we will see you again in a few weeks." Ummm….I am having a boy by the way.

So in summary I have no idea what my blood pressure is or what Cade is measuring at but they got paid. They successfully herded the cattle through the morning.

My Doctor in Nashville, remembered my name, my husband's name, my daughters name, and what we decided to name the baby! Asked about each of them each visit! Measurement my stomach and gave me updates asked if I had any questions or concerns. Appointments were on time and I was seen almost immediately and she would spend between 10-15 minutes each time just talking with me. I had complete faith that she would be there when I went into labor or in my case was induced.

I spent most of yesterday calling different offices trying to get information on transferring. I received the same answers, we are at capacity or you can apply but not a guaranteed approval since it takes up to three weeks and then I would be in my third trimester. All I can think about is what I would give to have my old Doctor back and go back to that comfort level.

Has anyone ever had a horrible OBGYN that they were stuck with? I know that nothing can be done with the exception of running away back to TN.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Homework Nightmare

I can't be the only one that really can't remember doing homework as a kid? I just don't remember it, I am sure I had something but I never remember sitting down at the table with my mom for an hour plus working on a math work sheet! 

So much has changed and I am at a loss! 

Our poor sweet Diva is struggling but not with what you might think. As a seven year old in second grade this is our first time having actual homework. Not just the hey circle the correct word homework. 

Every night we sit down and either Justin or myself will help her with her math homework. Last night I had a seriously rough parenting moment because I made her cry..... I am not even sure how that happened. She started crying because she didn't want to tell me the wrong answer, what do you say to that?!

She knows the answer to the problem but doesn't want to tell me. I can't get her to have confidence that she knows the correct answer. She wants me to tell her the answer then she is she had it correct which isn't how that works. I am willing to try anything at this point to help her find her groove! 

Is there a routine that you have set in place that is more homework friendly?
Do you just allow them to sit there all night trying to do it themselves? 
Is she just being overly sensitive and needs to toughen up? 

I need help!